Indian Butter Chicken

We eat a lot of chicken in the house. Thighs, drumsticks, back legs, wings, whole chicken……Besides it’s easy and versatile to make, it’s also the only food Ethan won’t throw a drama over the dinner table most of the time. And so I have to keep up with varieties in terms of cooking it.

I found this recipe the other day. This is such an easy dish to make. Flavourful and beautiful.

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Grilled Pork Tenderloin with Chimichurri

This recipe is from “Tyler’s Ultimate”. I wiki-ed a little about “chimichurri” – originated from Argentina and is a popular sauce used with grilled meat in many Latin American countries. It is told that the unusual name comes from “Jimmy McCurry”, an Irishman who is said to have first prepared the sauce…… However, “Jimmy McCurry” was difficult for the native people to say. Some sources claim Jimmy’s sauce’s name was corrupted to “chimichurri”‘, while others say it was changed in his honor. Interesting!

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Red Bean Chili

red bean chili

As much as I love this dish, I love this picture. It has made me consider to put chili on my regular cooking list now.

My worry of turning chili into a regular beef sauce has gone, because what makes this chili so different is I put cocoa powder, lime juice and most importantly beer. Yes, a whole bottle of good lager which I can’t come up with a substitute.

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Sticky Lemon, Thyme and Honey Chicken Drumsticks

sticky lemon thyme and honey chicken drumsticks

This pregnancy is like a roller-coaster trip in food tastes. It was not like this with Ethan, I could eat anything, I could even drain down two bowls of fishy fish soup even though I’ve never been a fish person.

But this time, over these first few months, ANY SECOND I’m either throwing up or wanting to throw up, the only exception is when I’m asleep. Once I wake up, I want to puke. Anything I eat has some annoying smell and strange taste. Even that glass of water I sip is the most distasteful liquid in the universe.

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