Strawberry and Cream Sponge Cake

Sponge cake with or without butter?! I’ve tried both. And honestly I couldn’t tell the difference at all. Sometimes I just feel like to have a little fat in my slice of cake because cake and butter are best friends. But I will have to say that the tempering process of adding the melted butter into a small portion of cake batter before mixing it to the rest can really be a pain in the ass. It could be the separated cake batter, deflated cake layers, or gummy tasted cake.

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My Best Brioche Loaf


My bread making journey has been pretty okay, as in no huge failures so far. Probably a few ones that came out a bit too crusty on the outside and not as fluffy on the inside. We still enjoyed eating them. Maybe not as fresh after a few days, but microwave it with a spray of water, it’s fine!

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