Tiramisu Ice Cream Cake

These two days have been cloudy and even a little rainy. And we Vancouverites are abnormally fine with that, because before that we have had weeks of nice weather that felts like mid-summer. And it was before June! My running tank tan lines have emerged, and my son has literally become darker than anyone you see in Africa. We were so close to pull out our inflatable pool.

We can’t be happier for the extract weeks of summer!

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Matcha Red Bean Ice Cream Hazelnut Tart

The kind of green tea ice cream that I enjoy is the one served in Japanese restaurants. If there is an authentic green tea ice cream, I think that’s the one. There are a lot of green tea ice cream brands that you can choose from stores. But I found it too milky from the few brands that I’ve tasted. And I like my green tea ice cream with that real matcha flavour, almost bitter and earthy but still sweet and aromatic.

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Strawberry Cheesecake Ice Cream Cake

Are you getting your kids and even yourself ready for school? Not us. Yet. We may still have at least a week or two after Labor Day before we are informed that our kids are able to go to school if the teachers’ strike is over. That’s just my hope because it could go another month. Kids anywhere else are all excited to go back to school. Except those in British Columbia, Canada, who totally suck! And their parents? Suck more!

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