Mini Cherry Shortbread Pies

cherry shortbread pies

I know a lot of people who are not really into cherry dessert. Baking with cherries sounds really gross to them. Some even have a hard time facing an apple pie because cooking fruits to them is nothing but YUCK!

I happen to be the opposite who loves to bake with fruits. I can’t really recall which fruit I haven’t tried to bake with. Maybe durian? Well, the thing is I don’t even like to eat durian.

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Maple Bourbon Pecan Pie


You may have had eaten a lot of pies during the holidays. Or you are still lingering that pecan pie that you had at your mother’s house. For me, I had too many cakes. Or I had made too many cakes. And I am in the mood for pies.

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Coconut Cream Pie

coconut cream pie

Summer has gone, and it’s getting cold, isn’t it? But does that mean you have to stop eating ice cream? NO! I guess we have to stop pretending that we don’t eat any cold dessert in cold weather. Because we do eat ice cream in winter!

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