Beef Stew with Beer

Or beef stew with CHEAP beer. Because this was what I used. Not Guinness, not ale large, not stout. Just some cheap cans of beer that my husband grabbed from the liquor store without even looking at the brand but only the price, to make sure it’s the cheapest.

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Apple Puff Pastry Pie

apple puff pastry pie

This apple puff pastry pie is just another quick, easy and no-way-you-can-screw-it dessert that can yield impressive result in a flash. Make sure you keep a pack of puff pastry in your freezer all the time. Grab some apples, peaches, pears, or just throw in some frozen berries, you are good to go.

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Lemon Muffins

lemon muffins

Meyer lemons. Definitely the most beautiful lemons on earth. That vigorous almost orangey yellow colour, the smooth skin and the citrus fragrance simply make you happy. Look at them or smell them, DELIGHT! The flavour is sweet and I heard that meyer lemons are less acidic than normal lemon. And they simply takes these lemon muffins to another new level of deliciousness!

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Valentine’s Day Toasts

valentine's day toasts

“What cake are you going to make for Valentine’s Day?” I was asked this question yesterday because, normally and logically, as an active cake baker, I should come up with a pink or red cake with roses on top for Valentine’s Day.

In fact, I AM NOT GOING TO MAKE ANY CAKES. Not anything at all! I am never crazy about Valentine’s Day. I simply love to make cakes whenever I want. Probably not on February 14th.

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