My Best Brioche Loaf


My bread making journey has been pretty okay, as in no huge failures so far. Probably a few ones that came out a bit too crusty on the outside and not as fluffy on the inside. We still enjoyed eating them. Maybe not as fresh after a few days, but microwave it with a spray of water, it’s fine!

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Sweet Potato Cinnamon Buns


“Cinnamon buns make all mornings better. Knowing that standard potatoes do wonders for the texture of plain white bread, I assumed that sweet potatoes might add something special to my morning bun recipe. A little roasted purée in the mix gave the dough a beautiful burnished-orange colour, just the right amount of moisture, and a hint of earthy sweetness. These are the squishiest buns I’ve ever been proud to call my own.” The Kitchn.

Cinnamon buns do make all mornings, even all moments, better! My kids adore cinnamon buns. You can throw them a bun or two and they will do whatever you want them to do!

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Banana Chocolate Chip Donuts with Dulce de Leche

banana chocolate chip donuts

Happy December! So we are at this time of the year again when every one has started to get really busy. Parties, shopping, vacations…just try to have a bit more fun before a big wave of new year arrives.

For myself, it’s pretty non-stop since summer, which was a wonderful one by the way! Then September came and my kids went back to school. My baby girl started kindergarten. My husband and I celebrated our birthdays. Threw a fire truck birthday party for the kids in October. School Halloween parties. Plus other routine pick-ups, drop-offs, activities, play dates, client orders and deliveries.

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Mini Cinnamon Sugar Pumpkin Spiced Donut

This Halloween my seven-year-old son decided to dress like “himself” which required no costume, while my five-year-old daughter chose to be Minnie Mouse. So uncool of her, I know! But at least we only had to spend money on one costume this year.

Then people started to tell us that our son has grown up. And I was like, “Really? He’s just seven!” I still have a hard time articulating what I should feel about it. But considered that kids only wear their Halloween costumes once or twice a year, and costumes are not cheap, we were pretty happy about our son’s smart choice!

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