Crispy Crunchy Oatmeal Cookies

oatmeal cookies

Like my husband and my son, a lot of people get all Ewwwww or Yuccccckkkkk when they hear about oatmeal. Right! Only hearing about that word. The scepticism!

I love oatmeal. It’s in my bowl of cereal, in my berry muffin… In a cold winter morning, I love to cook it with milk and honey for my breakfast. A little warmth and coziness.

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Coconut Macaroons

coconut macaroon

Chinese New Year is as big to Chinese families as Thanksgiving or Christmas to American families. Extended families gather over a reunion dinner, a giant feast with lots of good food. Relatives and friends visit each other giving out red pockets stuffed with money to kids. And then more food and more catch-ups and more red pockets!

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